
Category: Martin County

2021 Florida Appeal Deadlines Approaching!

If you are an Owner or Manager of real estate in Florida, you should have received your 2021 TRIM (Truth in Millage) Notice(s). An appeal of your property’s Fair Market Value must be filed within 25 days of the date the TRIM Notice was mailed or the date that is specified on your TRIM Notice.

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Martin County Taxable Values are up, but not as much as last year.

The Honorable Laurel Kelly, Martin County Property Appraiser has released the 2019 estimated taxable values for Martin County properties. Overall values countywide increased about 3.16% as compared to 6.1% for 2018. Part of the reason for the lesser increase is the phasing out of the FPL power plants in Indiantown, FL. The preliminary estimates were released on June 1…

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